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发布于:2022-09-02 浏览:


告题目The vertical distribution of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in a permafrost-affected wetland on the Qinghai‒Tibet Plateau: Implications for Holocene development and environmental change


时 间202294日(周日)上午900

地 点:腾讯会议(会议号239-284-649



王庆锋,博士,副研究员,硕导。主要研究兴趣为青藏高原江河源区湿地与全球变化、冻土水碳循环等。主持国家自然科学基金项目(青年、面上)、博士后基金面上项目等7项,参加中国科学院重点部署项目、国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目等近10项。在PPPGPCTAAC、《科学通报》等杂志发表论文近40篇。担任Nature CommunicationsScience of the Total Environment等期刊的审稿人。


Studies on the responses of soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen dynamics accumulations to Holocene climate and environment in permafrost peatlands and/or wetlands might serve as analogues for future scenarios, and they can help us to predict the fate of the frozen SOC and nitrogen under a warming climate. To date, little is known about these issues on the Tibetan Plateau (TP), SW China. Here, we investigated the accumulations of SOC and nitrogen in a permafrost wetland on the NE TP, and analyzed their links with Holocene climatic and environmental changes. SOC and nitrogen contents revealed a general uptrend over last 7300 yr. SOC stocks for 0‒100 and 0‒200 cm depths were 50.1 and 79.0 kg C m2, respectively; and nitrogen stocks for the same depths were 4.3 and 6.6 kg N m2, respectively. Overall, a cooling and drying trend for regional climate during this period was inferred from the declining chemical weathering and humidity index. Meanwhile, SOC and nitrogen accumulated intensely at 1110–720 yr, while apparent accumulation rates of SOC and nitrogen were much lower during the other periods of the last 7300 yr. This indicates that, apart from controls of climate, environmental factors, such as soil deposition rate and site hydrology, matter to SOC and nitrogen accumulations in permafrost wetlands. Consequently, we propose a conceptual framework for the concordant development of syngenetic permafrost and SOC and nitrogen accumulations in alpine permafrost wetlands. This study could provide data support for regional and global estimates of SOC and nitrogen pools and for global models on carbon-climate interactions that take into account of permafrost wetlands on the mid- latitude TP.

上一条:pg电子中国官方网站2022年学术报告系列讲座(二十七) 下一条:微分方程及其应用研讨会
