姓名 |
一级学科 |
二级学科 |
具体研究方向 |
邓庆田 |
0801 力学 |
080102 固体力学 |
弹性动力学、多孔材料与结构 |
Wang Ning, Deng Qing-tian, 2021, Effect of Axial Deformation on Elastic Properties of Irregular Honeycomb Structure, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 34:51.
Wang Ning, Deng Qing-tian, 2021, Study of designable coefficient of thermal expansion in cellular structures, Engineering Research Express, 3, 015014.
Deng Qing-tian, Yang Zhi-chun, 2019, Wave Propagation in Submerged Pipe Conveying Fluid, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 32(4): 483–498.
Deng Qing-Tian,Yang Zhi-Chun, 2018,Poisson’s Ratio in Nano-Hexagonal and -Triangular Graphite Sheet,Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters,10, 1364–1370.
Deng Qing-Tian andLuo Son-nan,2018,Wave Propagation in Piezoelectric Circular Curved Rods,Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science,42(1):155–166.
(1)Deng Qingtian,Yang Zhichun,2014. Vibration of fluid-filled multi-walled carbon nanotubes seen via nonlocal elasticity theory,Acta Mechanica Solida Sinic. 27(6):568-578.
(2)Deng Qing-Tian and Yang Zhi-Chun, 2016, Effect of poisson’s ratio on functionally graded cellular structures, Materials Express 6: 461–472.
(3)Deng Qing-tian, Yang Zhi-chun, Wave propagation analysis in buried pipe conveying fluid, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2013, 37: 6225-6233.
(4)Deng Qing-tian, He Yan-fei, Yin Guan-sheng, 2016, Dynamic responses of nanotube embedded in nonlinear viscoelastic medium under a moving nanoparticle,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience,13:9112-9119.
(5)Deng Qing-tian,Yang Zhi-chun. 2012. Scattering of S0 and A0 Lamb modes in plate with multiple damage. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics. 134(1): 011004.
(6)Zhang Hong, Deng Qing-tian, Li Shao-hua. 2013. Vibration of a single-walled carbon nanotube embedded in an elastic medium under a moving internal nanoparticle. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 37(10-11): 6940-6951.
(7)Yin Guan-sheng, Deng Qing-tian, Yang Zhi-chun, 2015,Bending and buckling of functionally graded Poisson's ratio nanoscale beam based on nonlocal theory,Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A: Science,,39(4):559-565.
(8)Zhang Hong, Deng Qing-tian, 2013,Deformation Behavior of Functionally Graded Poisson's Ratio Cellular Structure, Journal of Applied Sciences,13(22): 5064-5070.
(9)杨智春, 邓庆田. 2012.基于非局部弹性理论的充液双壁碳纳米管振动特性分析.工程力学. 29(5):213-218.
(10)Deng Qing-tian, Luo Song-nan. 2011. Characteristics of wave propagation in piezoelectric bent rods with arbitrary curvature. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 35(5): 2557-2570.
(11)Deng Qing-tian, Yang Zhi-chun. 2011. Scattering of S0 Lamb mode in plate with multiple damage. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 35(1): 550-562.
(12)Deng Qing-tian, Yang Zhi-chun. 2011. Propagation of guided waves in bonded composite structures with tapered adhesive layer. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 35(11): 5369-5381.
(13)Deng Qing-tian, Luo Song-nan, 2008, Characteristics of wave propagation in section-varying bar covered with piezoelectric layer, Computers & Structures,86(11-12): 1297-1304.
(15)邓庆田,罗松南,彭亮,王力喆,2009,压电层合圆杆中的几何非线性波,应用力学学报, 26(3):519-523.
(16)罗松南,王立喆,邓庆田, 2010,基于高阶剪切理论的脱层压电梁谐响应分析,振动工程学报,23(2):206-212.
(18)彭亮, 罗松南, 邓庆田, 2009,纵向脉冲作用下压电层合杆的动力分析,振动、测试与诊断,29(4): 401-405.
(19)邓庆田,罗松南, 2008,压电圆柱曲杆中波的传播,振动与冲击,27(5):76-78.
(22)邓庆田,2013,基础理论在高等工程教育中的定位,International Conference on Education and Educational Research(EER 2013),Singapore.
1、近五年主持的科研项目 (2012.1.1-2016.12.31)
序号 |
项目类型 |
项目编号 |
项目来源 |
项目名称 |
起止日期 |
负责人 |
合同金额(万元) |
1 |
纵向 |
2016JM5035 |
陕西省自然科学基金 |
复杂环境-力耦合场作用下混凝土损伤演化机理研究 |
2016.01- 2017.12 |
邓庆田 |
4 |
2 |
纵向 |
310812161003 |
中央高校基本科研业务费 |
移动荷载作用下粘弹性微梁在力-热-磁环境中的非线性振动分析 |
2016.01- 2017.12 |
邓庆田 |
5 |
3 |
纵向 |
CHD2011JC061 |
中央高校基本科研业务费 |
负泊松比材料中波的传播 |
2011.07-2013.07 |
邓庆田 |
4 |
序号 |
项目类型 |
项目编号 |
项目来源 |
项目名称 |
起止日期 |
负责人 |
合同金额(万元) |
1 |
纵向 |
20130205110014 |
高等学校博士点基金 |
基于多尺度理论的混凝土失效机理研究 |
2013.06- 2016.06 |
尹冠生 |
6万 |
序号 |
时间 |
课程名称 |
学时 |
讲授对象 |
1 |
2012-2016 |
材料力学 |
80*9 |
本科生 |
2 |
2012-2015 |
变分原理 |
40*4 |
本科生 |
3 |
2012-2016 |
结构分析软件 |
40*4 |
本科生 |
4 |
2013-2015 |
断裂力学 |
40*3 |
研究生 |
1) 2015年获pg电子中国官方网站教学成果一等奖
2) 2015年获pg电子中国官方网站教学成果二等奖
3) 2016年获pg电子中国官方网站优秀教师