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1.Yin Guan-sheng, Yao Ru-yang. Axial buckling modes and crashworthiness of circular tube with external linear gradient grooves[J].Thin-Walled Structures,2019, 134(Jan.), 395–406.

2.Yin Guan-sheng, Yao Ru-yang. Experimental and theoretical investigations on axial crushing of aluminum foam-filled grooved tube[J].Composite Structures,2019,226(10), 111229.1-111229.11

3.Yin Guan-sheng, Yao Ru-yang. Energy absorption behaviors of foam-filled holed tube subjected to axial crushing: Experimental and theoretical investigations[J], Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures,2020,1-14.

5.Cheng Y. M., Chen L. The complex variable reproducing kernel particle method for bending problems of thin plates on elastic foundations[J].Computational Mechanics,2018,62(1),67-80.

6.Tuo Hongliang, Wu Tao. Evaluation of damage evolution of impacted composite laminates under fatigue loadings by infrared thermography and ultrasonic methods. Polymer Testing,2021,93.106869-.

7.Guan-Sheng Yin, Ming-Zhu Jin. Energy absorption characteristics of multi cell tubes with different cross sectional shapes under quasi static axial crushing[J]. International Journal of Crashworthiness,2020,1-16.

8. Guan-Sheng Yin,Ru-Yang Yao. Attempt to improve the material utilisation and crashworthiness of grooved tube subjected to axial crushing[J]. International Journal of Crashworthiness,2021,26(1),77-86.

9.Guan-Sheng Yin,Ru-Yang Yao. Analytical model of circular tube with wide external circumferential grooves under axial crushing[J]. International Journal of Crashworthiness,2019,25(5),527-535.


11. Bo Zhang, Li-Qun Chen. Subharmonic and Combination Resonance of Rotating Predeformed Blades Subjected to High Gas Pressure[J]. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica,2020.PP 1-15

12. Bo Zhang, Li-Qun Chen. Three to one internal resonances of a predeformed rotating beam with quadratic and cubic nonlinearities[J]. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics.2020,126. 103552-.

13.Qing-tian Deng, Zhi-chun Yang. Wave propagation in submerged pipe conveying fluid[J]. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica. 2019,32(4),483-498.

14.An He, Cun Xue. Vortex pinning and rectification effect in a nanostructured superconducting film with a square array of antidot triplets[J]. Chinese Physics B,2018,27(5):458-463.

15. An He, Cun Xue, Switchable reversal of vortex ratchet with dynamic pinning landscape [J].Applied Physics Letters,2019,115(3),032602-.

16. An He, Cun Xue. The position dependence of fracture behavior in a superconductor/ferromagnetic bilayer strip. Mechanics Research Communications,2018,91,19-26.

17. Qing-Tian Deng. Effect of poisson’s ratio on functionally graded cellular structures[J]. Materials Express,2016,6(6),461-472.

18. Qing-Tian Deng. Poisson's Ratio in Nano-Hexagonal and -Triangular Graphite Sheets[J]. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters,2018,10(10),1364-1370.

19. Guansheng Yin, Junjie Feng. Thermal analyses and responses of bridge deck hydronic snow melting system[J]. Advances in Civil Engineering.2019,1-14.




23. Wang Ning, Deng Qing-tian, Effect of Axial Deformation on Elastic Properties of Irregular Honeycomb Structure, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2021,34:51.

24. Wang Ning, Deng Qing-tian, Study of designable coefficient of thermal expansion in cellular structures, Engineering Research Express, 2021, 3, 015014.

25. Deng Qing-Tian and Luo Son-nan, Wave Propagation in Piezoelectric Circular Curved Rods, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, 2018, 42(1): 155–166.




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