李琦,男,1990年10月生,甘肃酒泉人。2020年8月至今工作于pg电子中国官方网站pg电子中国官方网站从事教学与科研工作。2013年6月和2016年6月分别获得兰州大学理学学士学位和理学硕士学位,2020年6月获西安交通大学理学博士学位。2018年9月至2020年5月受国家留学基金委资助赴美国南卡罗来纳大学数学系进行博士生联合培养。研究方向为微分方程数值解及其科学与工程计算,目前主要从事相场模型(扩散界面模型)及其两相流问题高效数值算法的研究工作,在《Computer Physics Communications》、《Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics》、《Advances in Computational Mathematics》、《Applied Numerical Mathematics》、《Journal of Scientific Computing》等杂志发表学术论文10余篇。教师个人主页:http://js.chd.edu.cn/lxy/lq8/list.htm
姓名 |
一级学科 |
二级学科 |
具体研究方向 |
李琦 |
数学 |
计算数学 |
微分方程数值解; 相场模型及其两相流问题的高效数值算法研究; 有限元方法, 谱方法。 |
通讯地址:陕西省西安市南二环中段126号pg电子中国官方网站本部北院基础楼pg电子中国官方网站数学与信息科学系 710064
1、 近五年发表论文、专著及专利(2016.1.1-2020.12.31)
[1] Shuaichao Pei, Yanren Hou, Qi Li. A linearly second-order, unconditionally energy stable scheme and its error estimates for the modified phase field crystal equation. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 103:104–126, 2021.
[2] Qi Li, Liquan Mei. Numerical approximation of the two-component PFC models for binary colloidal crystals: Efficient, decoupled, and second-order unconditionally energy stable schemes. Journal of Scientific Computing, 88(3):60, 2021.
[3] Qi Li, Xiaofeng Yang, Liquan Mei. Efficient numerical scheme for the anisotropic modified phase-field crystal model with a strong nonlinear vacancy potential. Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 19(2):355–381, 2021.
[4] Qi Li, Liquan Mei, Yibao Li. Efficient second-order unconditionally stable numerical schemes for the modified phase field crystal model with long-range interaction. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 389:113335, 2021.
[5] Qi Li, Xi Li, Xiaofeng Yang, Liquan Mei. Highly efficient and linear numerical schemes with unconditional energy stability for the anisotropic phase-field crystal model. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 383:113122, 2021.
[6] Qi Li, Liquan Me. Efficient, decoupled, and second-order unconditionally energy stable numerical schemes for the coupled Cahn–Hilliard system in copolymer/homopolymer mixtures. Computer Physics Communications, 260:107290, 2021.
[7] Qi Li, Liquan Mei, Xiaofeng Yang, Yibao Li. Efficient numerical schemes with un- conditional energy stabilities for the modified phase field crystal equation. Advances in Computational Mathematics, 45(3):1551–1580, 2019.
[8] Qi Li, Liquan Mei, Bo You. A second-order, uniquely solvable, energy stable BDF numer- ical scheme for the phase field crystal model. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 134:46–65, 2018.
[9] Ying Wang, Qi Li, Liquan Mei. A linear, symmetric and energy-conservative scheme for the space-fractional Klein–Gordon–Schrödinger equations. Applied Mathematics Letters, 95:104–113, 2019.
[10] Ying Wang, Liquan Mei, Qi Li, Linlin Bu. Split-step spectral Galerkin method for the two-dimensional nonlinear space-fractional Schrödinger equation. Applied Numerical Mathematics, 136:257–278, 2019
[11] Qi Li, Liquan Mei. Local momentum-preserving algorithms for the GRLW equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 330:77–92, 2018.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目 12101073 流场环境中固液相变耦合模型的高效数值算法研究 2022/01 - 2024/12 30万 主持.
2. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目 300102121302 二元晶体相场模型的高效数值算法研究 2021/01 - 2022/12 8万 主持.
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 11871389 一类趋化与主动传输作用下肿瘤生长扩散界面模型的动力学行为研究 2019/01 - 2022/12 53万 参与.