一、 个人简介
杨淑云,pg电子中国官方网站数学与信息科学系讲师(2018.12.25-现在),西安交通大学数学与统计学院获理学博士(2012.09-2018.12),陕西科技大学数学与应用数学学士(2008.09-2012.07),比利时根特大学联合培养(2016.09-2017.09)。目前为中国人工智能学会“粒计算与知识发现专委会”委员,pg电子中国官方网站“长安学者”人才支持计划“二类青年学术骨干”(2022-2024年)。 研究方向为:排序理论与不确定性数据分析。
[1] Shuyun Yang, Hongying Zhang, Guang Shi, Yingjian Zhang, Attribute reductions of quantitative dominance-based neighborhood rough sets with A-stochastic transitivity of fuzzy preference relations. Applied Soft Computing, 134 (2023) 109994.
[2] Shuyun Yang, Hongying Zhang, Bernard De Baets, Moriba Jah, Guang Shi, Quantitative dominance-based neighborhood rough sets via fuzzy preference relations, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 29 (2021) 515-529.
[3] Hongying Zhang, Shuyun Yang, Uncertainty analysis of hierarchical granular structures for multi-granulation typical hesitant fuzzy approximation space, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 17(2020) 69-84.
[4] Hongying Zhang, Shuyun Yang, Three-way group decisions with interval-valued decision-theoretic rough sets based on aggregating inclusion measures, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,110 (2019) 31-45.
[5] Hongying Zhang, Shuyun Yang, Feature selection and approximate reasoning of large-scale set-valued decision tables based on α-dominance-based quantitative rough sets, Information Sciences, 378 (2017)328-347.
[6] Hongying Zhang, Shuyun Yang, Jianmin Ma,Ranking interval sets based on inclusion measures and applications to three-way decision,Knowledge-Based Systems, 91 (2016) 62-70.
[7] Hongying Zhang, Shuyun Yang, Zhiwei Yue, On inclusion measures of intuitionistic and interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy values and their applications to group decision making, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 7 (2016) 833-843.
[8] Hongying Zhang, Shuyun Yang, Inclusion measure for typical hesitant fuzzy sets, the relative similarity measure and fuzzy entropy, Soft Computing,20 (2016) 1277-128.
[9] Hongying Zhang, Shuyun Yang, Representations of typical hesitant fuzzy rough sets, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 31 (2016) 457-468 .
[1] 国家自然科学基金委,青年项目,基于最优决策类的量化优势邻域粗糙集的属性约简研究,2022.01-2024.12,30万元,主持。
[2] 陕西省科技厅,青年项目,基于辨识信息粒的优势粗糙集加速属性约简研究,2021.01-2022.12,3万元,主持。
[3] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,优势粗糙集属性约简优化算法研究,2020.01-2021.12,5万元,主持。