Name:Zheng Qiuya |
Division:Department of Mathematics and AppliedMathematics |
Position: Professor,Master supervisor |
Research: Computational Mathematics, Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Address: |
Telephone: +86+02982334929 |
E-mail:qiuyazh@chd.edu.cn |
Zheng Qiuya is a Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Applied MathematicsScience of Chang'an University, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, P. R. China.
Zheng received Doctor Degree ofScience in Applied Mathematics fromXi’dian University (Xi'an, China) in2011.She began her scientificresearchcareer as aassistant engineer,engineer, andsenior engineer in Aeronautics Computing Technique Research Institute(Xi'an, China) during1987-2003.From April 2003, she is a teacherat Chang'an University, aprofessorofSchool of Science.
Zheng has published more than30 research papers,focusing onNumerical Solutions for Partial Differential Equations and Computational Fluid Dynamics.She has doneexcellentwork both in scientific research and teaching.
a. Educatiuon
1983.09-1987.07 Undergraduate student, Department of Mathematics, Northwest University, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, P. R. China, Bachelor degree of Science in Computational Mathematics;
2000.09-2003.06 Postgraduate student, Department ofComputer science,Xi’an JiaotongUniversity, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, P. R. China, Master degree ofComputer science and Technology;
2007.09-2011.06, Doctoral candidate, Department of Mathematics,XI’dianUniversity, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, P. R. China, Doctor degree of Science in Applied Mathematics

Numerical Analysis;
FiniteElement Methods for Partial Differential Equations;
Numerical Solution ofPartial Differential Equations;
Probability and statistics;

Numerical solutions for Partial Differential Equations;
Computaional Fluid Dynamics (CFD);
High performance parallel computing;
Optimization Theory and Method

RED Qinqin, ZHENG Qiuya, LIANG Yihua. A Higher order scheme for solving Euler quation,Journal ofJiLin University (Science Edition),2020, 58(6):1371-1377.
BAI Xiaoya,ZHENG Qiuya,LIANG Yihua.The Embedded WENO Scheme for Solving the Euler Equation,J.Zhengzhou Univ. ( Nat.Sci.Ed.), 2020,52(3):98-103.(in Chinese)
ZHENG Qiuya,CHEN Fang,ZHENG Supei. Comparison and Analysis of Two Turbulence Models in Transonic Flow, J.Zhengzhou Univ. ( Nat.Sci.Ed.), 2019,51(1):84-88.
ZHENG Qiuya,SU Ningya,LIANG Yihua.High Accuracy Flux Splitting Method for Numerical Solution of Euler Equation,ACTA ARMAMENTARII, 2019, 40(12):2545-2550.