Name:Dong Anguo |
Division:Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics |
Position: Professor/Master supervisor |
Research: Machine Learning |
Address:School of Science, Chang’an University, Xi’an, ShaanXi, 710064, China |
Telephone: +86 13772159301 |
E-mail:309005077@qq.com |

a. Educatiuon
1983-1987Xi’an Jiaotong University,B.S.in Mathematics,1987
b.Academic Appointments
c.Short-Term Visiting
1995.9-1996.7 Visiting Scholar of Mathematics, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Undergraduate Courses: Advanced Mathematics, LinearAlgebra, Probability and Statistics, IntegralTransforms,Complex Analysis, MathematicalModeling,Cryptography
Graduate Courses: NumericalAnalysis,MathematicalStatistics andStochasticProcesses,DigitalImageProcessing, AlgorithmAnalysis andProgramming
Doctoral Courses: MatrixTheory

Numerical Algebra, Digital Image Processing, Machine Learning

Dong Anguo, Liu Hongchao.Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Classification Based on Auto-Encoder. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2019, 56(19):1-10.(Cited5 times)
Dong Anguo, Zhang Qian. Hyperspectral image classification based on TSNE and multiscale sparse auto-encoder. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2019, 55(21):177-182. (Cited8 times)
Dong Anguo, Li Jiaxun.Hyperspectral Image Classification Algorithm Based on Spectral Clustering and Sparse Representation. OpticsLetters, 2017, 37(08):363-370. (EI, Cited 31 times)