Name:An He |
Division:Department of Engineering Mechanics |
Position: associate Professor |
Research:Electromagnetic solid mechanics |
Address: |
Telephone: +86 |
E-mail:hean@chd.edu.cn |
a. Educatiuon
2007-2011 Bachelor intheoretical and applied mechanics,Lanzhou University
2011-2016 PhD in solid mechanics, Lanzhou University
b.Short-Term Visiting
2014.9-2015.9 Visiting student in Physics, University of Antwerp, Belgium
c.Professional career
2016-2019 Lecturer at theDepartment of Engineering Mechanics, Chang’an University
2019- Associate Professorat theDepartment of Engineering Mechanics, Chang’an University
<Scientific Paper Writing>
<Engineering Mechanics>
Research instersts
Performance analysis of multi-field coupling
Magneto-thermal stability analysis of superconducting magnets
Selected publications
More than 20 articles in peer-reviewed journals, including 2 inPhys. Rev. B, 1 in Appl. Phys. Lett., 2 in Supercond. Sci. Tech.
1. An He, Cun Xue, and Youhe Zhou.Switchable reversal of vortex ratchet with dynamic pinning landscape.Applied Physcis Letter115, 032602, 2019.
2. An He, Cun Xue, and Youhe Zhou. The ice-like vortex states in a nanostructured superconducting film with a dice lattice of elongated antidots.AIP Advances8 085208, 2018.
3. An He, Cun Xue, and Youhe Zhou.The position dependence of fracture behavior in a superconductor/ferromagnetic bilayer strip.Mechanics Research Communications 91 19-26, 2018.
4. An He, Cun Xue, and Youhe Zhou. Vortex pinning and rectification effect in a nanostructured superconducting film with a square array of antidot triplets.Chinese Physics B27057402, 2018.
5. An He, Cun Xue, and Youhe Zhou. Dynamics of vortex–antivortex pair in a superconducting thin strip with narrow slits. Chinese Physics B 26 047403, 2017.
6. An He, Cun Xue, Hong Zhang, Qingtian Deng, and Youhe Zhou.The position-dependent vortex dynamics in the asymmetric superconducting ring. AIP Advances 7 045304, 2017.
7. An He, Cun Xue, Huadong Yong, and Youhe Zhou. The guidance of kinematic phase-slip lines in a mesoscopic superconducting strip with artificial defects.Superconductor Science and Technology 29 065014, 2016.
8. Cun Xue, Jun-Yi Ge,An He, Vyacheslav S. Zharinov, V. V. Moshchalkov, Y. H. Zhou. Stability of degenerate vortex states and multi-quanta confinement effects in a nanostructured superconductor with Kagome lattice of elongated antidots. New Journal of Physics20 093030, 2018.
9. Cun Xue, Jun-Yi Ge,An He, Vyacheslav S. Zharinov, V. V. Moshchalkov, Y. H. Zhou, A. V. Silhanek,and J. Van de Vondel.Tunable artificial vortex ice in nanostructured superconductors with frustrated kagome lattice of paired antidots.Physical Review B97134506, 2018.
10. Cun Xue, Jun-Yi Ge,An He, Vyacheslav S. Zharinov, V. V. Moshchalkov, Y. H. Zhou, A. V. Silhanek,and J. Van de Vondel. Mapping degenerate vortex states in a kagome lattice of elongated antidots via scanning Hall probe microscopy.Physical Review B96 024510, 2017.
11. Cun Xue,An He, Chun Li, and Youhe Zhou. Stability of vortex rotation around a mesoscopic square superconducting ring under radially injected current and an external magnetic field.Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29 135401, 2017.